Cape Town Based Laser Clinic

Ladies Leg and Under Arm Hair Removal

Smooth, sexy legs all day, every day, who doesn’t want that?!  Hair free armpits, for life. Yes, please!

Keeping your legs and underarms hair free is an ongoing chore. Imagine saying goodbye to shaving or waxing FOREVER? No more expensive razor blades or continuous appointments at the salon! Imagine all the money you have spent on shaving and/or waxing thus far actually rid you of the hair permanently instead of it coming back all the time?

If you calculate the amount of money you’ve spent so far on shaving or waxing, doesn’t it seem silly to have wasted all that money on getting rid of unwanted hair only to have all the hair STILL THERE?

The LightBarr provides PERMANENT Hair Removal solutions.  With a reduction in hair growth from the very first session, it really is the most logical option when it comes to Hair Removal.

Never worry about raising your arms in a public space ever again!

Wear those skirts and shorts, show off those legs and feel how smooth!

Our results speak for themselves. Come get a FREE demo and say goodbye to undesired hair, FOREVER.